South Dakota appraisers | [+] |
To find a real estate appraiser in South Dakota simply click on the county or enter the zip code of the property to be appraised in South Dakota.
icon in status bar | [+] |
Click on the  house icon in the status bar to return to the real estate appraiser directory home page.
Use Advanced search to excecute a specific search: you can search for appraisers by location, appraisal company name, appraiser's name, state appraiser is licensed in, appraiser's specialty and appraisal services provided.
South Dakota licensed or certified appraisers | [+] |
South Dakota real estate appraisers listed in this directory are either licensed or certified appraisers. No South Dakota licensed trainees or associates are listed in our real estate appraisers directory.
South Dakota license verification | [+] |
To verify the license of a real estate appraiser in South Dakota, click here.