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e-AppraiserDirectory reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying users through a notice posted on e-AppraisersDirectory.com or by e-mail, of the existence of a new privacy policy or any updates.

We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Generally, this information is requested when you are registering before entering your listing information. Personal information collected by e-AppraisersDirectory.com often is limited to name, e-mail address, phone, user login, or location, but may include other information when needed to provide a service you requested.

e-AppraisersDirectory does not collect credit card or banking information. All payments and transaction are processed securely through PayPal. Your PayPal e-mail is the only information e-AppraisersDirectory.com will collect to process each billing transaction. If you choose a service or transaction that requires payment, such as purchasing enhanced listing, you will be asked to pay through PayPal's secure website.

e-AppraisersDirectory.com also collects certain information about your computer hardware and software. This information may include: your IP address, browser type, operating system, domain name, access times and referring Web site addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of e-AppraisersDirectory.com.

e-AppraisersDirectory.com also collects information about which pages our visitors visit within e-AppraisersDirectory.com. This site visitation data is identified only by a unique ID number, and it is never linked with personal information unless a user consents as described below.

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To ensure our site is relevant to your needs.
  2. To alert you to product upgrades, special offers, updated information and other new services from e-AppraisersDirectory, if you so request.
  3. To allow you access to limited-entry areas of our site as appropriate.
Your information may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which e-AppraisersDirectory or its affiliates, subsidiaries or agents maintain facilities, and by using this site, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.

When you register, or otherwise give us personal information, e-AppraisersDirectory.com will not share that information with third parties without your permission, other than for the limited exceptions already listed. It will only be used for the purposes stated above.

Registering also allows e-AppraisersDirectory.com to communicate with you. e-AppraisersDirectory.com may send out periodic e-mails informing you of technical service or security issues related to a service you requested, or confirming your requested service. You will not be able to choose to unsubscribe to these mailings, as they are considered an essential part of the service you have chosen.


e-AppraisersDirectory collects personally identifying email information only during the registration process. Email information is collected in certain portions of e-AppraisersDirectory.com in which users specifically and knowingly provide such information along with content submissions, e-AppraisersDirectory submissions or suggestions. e-AppraisersDirectory use email information for its internal purposes only. Emails information submitted at the time of registration in the intend of allowing visitor to contact listed members will also remain confidential.

To prevent visitors from harvesting e-mail addresses from e-AppraisersDirectory's public listings, all emails on e-AppraisersDirectory are hidden within both the link and displayed address. Email harvesting robots are prevented from retrieving any type of Email information that could be used for spam and or fraudulent purposes by any individual and/or third party company, therefore protecting our listed members from receiving unsolicited emails trough their listing. Users/visitors wanting to communicate with our members via email, must first register and have an account with e-AppraiserDirectory. Anonymous users/visitors will not be able to use the send message tool and communicate with members via email.

e-AppraisersDirectory anti-spam protection does not however prevent or restrict registered visitors/users from contacting enhanced listed registered members by email.

Cookies are pieces of information that a Web site transfers to an individual's hard drive for record-keeping purposes while at the site. Cookies make Web-surfing easier by, among other things, saving your passwords and preferences for you. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and you'll find cookies at most major Web sites.

Cookies help make e-AppraisersDirectory better, by showing how and when guests use the site. Many content improvements and updates are based on such data as total number of visitors and pages viewed. This information is most easily tracked with cookies. A cookie lets e-AppraisersDirectory remember that you've registered, which allows us to speed up your future activities at our sites. The cookie itself does not contain any personally identifying information although it may enables e-AppraisersDirectory to relate a user's use of e-AppraisersDirectory to personally identifying information that has previously been submitted by the user, if any.

You may occasionally get cookies from our advertisers. These cookies are sent from third-party computers and are subject to such third parties' policies. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you'd prefer, you can set yours to refuse cookies. However, it is likely that most areas of the site will not function properly if you do so.

It is important to note that e-AppraisersDirectory.com contains many links to sites other than e-AppraisersDirectory.com, and that those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as e-AppraisersDirectory.com. These sites may send their own cookies to you. e-AppraisersDirectory.com is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web Sites nor do we control the practices of such Web Sites. Please review the policies of those sites for an understanding of how your information is used at those venues.

Should you ever wish to be removed from our database, simply contact us and we will fulfill your request. Additionally, should you wish further clarification of this policy, please do not hesitate to e-mail us.

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