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e-AppraisersDirectory is a directory of licensed and certified real estate appraisers. The information in the directory is self-reported. e-AppraisersDirectory does not examine, determine, warrant or endorse the information on any of the entries in the directory. Use of this directory is voluntary and will not result in any liability against e-AppraisersDirectory. In no event shall e-AppraisersDirectory be liable for damages to any user of the directory for the voluntary selection of real estate appraiser professional, for the services provided by any companies and individuals listed herein, or for any other damages which may occur.

Furthermore, it is important to understand the difference between a directory and a referral service. A directory is simply a list of professionals or businesses, and no recommendations, guarantees or endorsements are made regarding the quality of service you might expect from any of the professionals or businesses listed. An example of a directory is Smart Yellow Pages or White Pages, where no recommendations are expressed or implied, regarding the quality of services provided.

A referral service, on the other hand, is a screening service, and a recommendation is being made, with at least some endorsement of the professionals or businesses listed in the service. Usually, a referral service will require a professional or a business to meet some quality criteria before they are accepted into the referral service and included in the database. This might include certain professional qualifications, a specific number of years of experience, passing a special test or training program not required by everyone in the profession or business, an absence of consumer complaints about the professional or business, etc.

e-AppraisersDirectory is a directory, not a referral service. e-AppraisersDirectory does not recommend or endorse any of its listings. We do not verify the qualifications of any professional or business listed. The inclusion or omission of particular professionals, businesses, organizations, or services does not imply a recommendation, or lack of, by e-AppraisersDirectory.

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 Appraisers Directory Desiree R. Mehbod
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 Appraisers Directory Peter Yanco
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 Appraisers Directory Hamp Thomas
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 Appraisers Directory Robert "Bob" Mossuto Jr.
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 Appraisers Directory David Kincaid
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 Appraisers Directory Brendan Blake
(Added 2025-01-10)
 Appraisers Directory Sean Reilly
(Added 2025-01-10)
 Appraisers Directory James Delahunt
(Added 2025-01-10)
 Appraisers Directory Tom Phillips
(Added 2025-01-10)

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