Please do not register twice and make sure that you are not already listed in our directory. You can use the advanced search, the zip code search or state/county search to see if you are already listed.
Each appraiser may only have one listing and can be listed in up to 10 counties in one state or multiple states (e.g.: you can submit ONE listing for 5 counties in VA, one in DC and 4 counties in MD). To select multiple counties, hold the CTRL key and select.
Required fields marked with * | [+] |
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Do not use ALLCAPS (all capital letters). Please avoid capitalizing every word in a sentence unless the word is a noun.
Information of each field must match field description/heading | [+] |
Information of each field must match field description/heading in order to avoid rejection of your submission:
1. Do not submit your website URL information in any other field but in the "URL/Website" field.
2. Do not submit your email address information in any other field but in the "E-Mail Address" field.
3. Do not submit your payment information in any other field but in the "Do you accept Credit Cards?" field.
Multiple selection (how to) | [+] |
To select more than one option in the "Counties", "Services Provided", "Do you accept Credit Cards" and "Specialty" fields, hold the CTRL key and select.
How to select your password | [+] |
Your password has to be at least 4 characters long. Please do not use spaces and inverted commas.
Please read our Terms of use, disclaimer and our privacy policy before submitting your listing. Most important: we will not process and post your listing unless it includes an active telephone number or e-mail address where we can contact you, and a contact name for the company you submit. You must be the business owner, its manager, or authorized fiduciary in order for your listing to be processed, no exceptions. This directory is for state licensed or certified appraisers only (no licensed trainees, associates or registered appraisers please). You may receive a confirmation call or e-mail in order to verify this status.
Review of your submission | [+] |
Our team of editors will review your submission to determine whether to include it in the directory. Please, note that we may reject your submission. You will get an email notification.
icon in status bar | [+] |
Click on the  house icon in the status bar above to return to the real estate appraiser directory home page.