The fastest way to find North Carolina real estate appraisers North Carolina real estate appraiser directory Real estate appraisers in Buncombe
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Real estate appraisers listed in this directory are either licensed or certified appraisers. No licensed trainees or associates are listed in our real estate appraisers directory.
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Company Name - Description
Services Provided
Carolina Certified Appraisals, Inc.
 David M. Covington
Visitor Rating:    ( 3 votes )
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. |
828 684.9478 |
 Terry Potts
North Carolina Certified General Appraiser. Residential and commercial valuation in the Western North Carolina.
Residential, Commercial, FHA, VA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
828 708.2590 |
A & I Inc.
 Fred M. Taylor
A & I area coverage includes Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson & Transylvania Counties in North Carolina.
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
828 692.2195 |
Sumner & Foster Appraisals, Inc.
 R. Alan Grover
We provide a wide range of appraisal services for various properties. We have years of experience in residential and commercial real estate appraisals...
Residential, EDI capable. |
828 296.0016 |
American Property Valuations, LLC
 Steven M. Shields
NC state certified residential real estate appraiser. 48 hour turnaround time after inspection. FHA approved. Visit our website for more detailed info...
Visitor Rating:     ( 2 votes )
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. |
828 652-1661 |
Hyde Appraisal Company
 Suzanne Hyde
Born and raised in WNC Suzanne knows this mountainous region and is committed to providing a quality and reliable appraisal of your property in a time...
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
828 586.4403 |
Stevens Appraisal Services
 Timothy Stevens
Tim was born & raised in western NC & knows the region well. His average turn around time is approximately three (3) days after viewing the pr...
Visitor Rating:    ( 1 votes )
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
828 648.4088 |
Hensley Appraisal Services
 Jill T. Hensley
Been in real estate appraisal business since 1990; Certified residential appraiser since 1995. Also NC state real estate broker. Quick turnaround, fri...
Visitor Rating:     ( 2 votes )
Residential, EDI capable. |
828 686.1230 |
Henry G. Outlaw Appraisals
 Henry "Hank" G. Outlaw
Independent fee appraiser since 1986. NC certified residential appraiser, VA panel appraiser, FHA approved appraiser, NC Licensed real estate broker.
Visitor Rating:    ( 3 votes )
Residential, FHA, VA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
828 808.2822 |
Advanced Appraisals
 Gordon Lucks
48 to 72 hour turnaround time, staff on hand, ectronic ordering and delivery, secure on-line system to track all your appraisals, professional and acc...
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
888 568.0538 |
REM Appraisals
 Patricia Pope
Residential, REO and FHA appraisals.
Residential. |
828 551.1670 |
Jim DeBruhl Appraisals, Inc.
 Jimmy R. DeBruhl
23 years of full time residential appraisal experience. Full EDI capabilities. Western North Carolina native. Has been a guest lecturer for appraisal ...
Residential, EDI capable. |
828 254.8856 |
Sumner & Foster Appraisals, Inc.
 Bonnie Tyler
We provide a wide range of appraisal services for various properties. We have years of experience in residential and commercial real estate appraisals...
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
828 296.0016 |