The fastest way to find Michigan real estate appraisers Michigan real estate appraiser directory Real estate appraisers in Montcalm
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Real estate appraisers listed in this directory are either licensed or certified appraisers. No licensed trainees or associates are listed in our real estate appraisers directory.
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Company Name - Description
Services Provided
Trust Real Estate Appraisal Services PLC
 Tom Markoski
Since 2003, Protecting the public trust in real estate transactions. Fee Only, Appraisal services for residential property buyers, sellers, Attorneys,...
Residential, FHA. |
616 284.1886 |
Christensen Appraisal Services, LLC
 Billiejo Burmeister
Visitor Rating:    ( 3 votes )
Residential, EDI capable. |
616 299.1692 |
Appraisal2day, L.C.
 Tom Markoski
Appraisal2day clients include: banks, mortgage brokers, attorneys, financial advisors, insurance and CPA's. Our core market area is West Michigan...
Visitor Rating:     ( 1 votes )
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. |
231 250.4736 |
Van Vorst Appraisal Service
 Dale Van Vorst
I perform quality appraisals for banks, mortgage companies, etc. The type of properties I appraise include, single family homes, condominiums, 2-4 fam...
Visitor Rating:     ( 2 votes )
Residential, EDI capable. |
616 527.3231 |
Yakes Appraisal Service
 Bob Yakes
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce you to Yakes Appraisal Service, the most professional appraisal company in Greenville and the sur...
Visitor Rating:     ( 3 votes )
Residential. |
616 225.2590 |
Williams Appraisal, Inc.
 Patrick Williams
Quality, reliable appraisals since 1978.
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. |
989 828.5758 |
Lane Appraisals LLC
 Kari Lane
Appraisal company specializing in residential appraisals.
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. |
616 863.8226 |
Just Right Appraisal LLC.
 Matthew Gavrilides
I have been appraising in the area for over 5 years. I pay close attention to the accuracy and integrity behind each appraisal I complete. My turnarou...
Residential, FHA, VA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
231 690.9372 |