The fastest way to find Michigan real estate appraisers Michigan real estate appraiser directory Real estate appraisers in Hillsdale
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Real estate appraisers listed in this directory are either licensed or certified appraisers. No licensed trainees or associates are listed in our real estate appraisers directory.
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Company Name - Description
Services Provided
Appraisal Pros LLC
 Bryan Cope
We are a small, 100% woman owned and operated residential real estate company in SE Michigan. We have twenty years of combined experience with a top n...
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
313 292.3200 |
Catherines Appraisal Company
 Catherine K. Kibiloski
We have over 15 years of professional aprpaisal experience.
Residential. |
517 369.2392 |
Mid-Michigan Appraisal LLC
 David Osypczuk
Mid-Michigan Appraisal LLC covers the Mid-Michigan area. We are approved FHA appraisers and are dedicated to provide the best, most accurate service a...
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. |
517 331.0058 |
JAL Appraisal, Inc.
 Jeffrey Lewin
I am a life long resident of Lenawee County and have been in the real estate business for 20+ years. Strictly appraisals since 1992. I offer quality w...
Residential, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
517 263.2213 |
Rapid Appraisal, Inc.
 Christopher T. Mohr
We offer next day delivery on all appraisals with a same day option for rush orders (call for details). We are a Michigan corporation established in 1...
Visitor Rating:   ( 4 votes )
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
517 264.0779 |
Upon The Rock Real Estate Services, LLC.
 Michael J. Geis
I am a certified residential appraiser in Ohio and Michigan. I have been an appraiser since 1993. Upon The Rock was founded in 1999.
Visitor Rating:    ( 4 votes )
Residential, FHA. |
419 534.2507 |
Classic Appraisals, Inc
 Lisa Kroth
We have been in practice since 1990 servicing 14 Counties in SE Michigan along with 2 counties in Tennessee. We submit quality work within 24-48 hours...
Residential, Commercial, FHA, VA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
517 547.5458 |