The fastest way to find Idaho real estate appraisers Idaho real estate appraiser directory Real estate appraisers in Kootenai
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Over the past four years, I have been subjected to a relentless, unjust investigation by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – not because of any wrongdoing on my part, but simply… Rocket Mortgage and the AMCs actively conceal this fee skimming from borrowers, never disclosing the proportion of the “appraisal fee” that is pocketed by the AMC rather than being paid to the appraiser. The class… Morgan & Morgan, a prominent law firm, is currently investigating the practices of Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) and their potential role in driving up the cost of appraisals for consumers. The firm is actively seeking… Join me in this class action lawsuit and help take a stand against HUD and the wrongful persecution of appraisers. Nationwide Call to Action: Seeking Legal Representation for Class-Action Lawsuit Against HUD Investigations For over… They have created the phenomenon known as “data cancer” which reduces an appraisal to a rubber stamp that contaminates the comps used for future sales. The ability to do an appraisal for Fannie Mae or… This bold move immediately resulted in the removal of all appraisal bias propaganda from the official website. With a few swift strokes of the pen, President Trump has dismantled the divisive and misguided diversity… The hidden costs of appraisal management companies (AMCs) in the real estate industry have faced growing scrutiny, as highlighted by a recent Business Insider article titled “The Hidden Middleman who cost homebuyers $12 billion dollars… In a recent article, John D. Russell, JD explored the potential impact of the new Trump administration on the appraisal industry. With Republicans set to control the legislative process, Russell analyzed various documents and comments…
Company Name - Description
Services Provided
Key Appraisal Services
 Kaylene White
I am certified to appraise residential properties in both Idaho & Washington. SFR, multi-family 2-4 units, vacant land etc.
Residential. |
208 755.3276 |
Green Appraisal Service
 Leo Green
Fast turnaround times. Specializing in lake front and secondary lake front properties.
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
509 326.8088 |
AA Appraisal Services
 Frank W. Riem
Serving North Idaho since 1995. Fast reliable service with no underwriting hassles. Prompt scheduling of appointments and turn times.
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. |
208 762.2446 |
Intermountain Appraisal
 Don Gibbs
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
888 863.9850 |
Aspenwood Appraisal
 Ellen Ziska
Residential, FHA, VA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals). |
208 263.1777 |
Handlen-Robeson, Inc
 Steve Handlen
Fast & reliable real estate appraisals in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.
Residential, VA. |
208 773.9755 |
RValues, LLC
 James J Reynolds
Idaho and Washington state certified. Appraisal review, mediation, litigation, mortgages 1st and 2nd, eminent domain condemnation, PMI removal, tax di...
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
509 475.3431 |
Champion Appraisal Services
 Joey Tierney
I offer timely and accurate valuations of real estate. On residential properties I provide an average turn time of two days from the date of inspectio...
Residential, FHA. |
208 777.2000 |
Lakeshore Appraisals
 Donald F Anderson
Quality appraisals in Kootenai County with a 2-3 day turn time. I have been an appraiser for over 16 years and am knowledgeable in all types of reside...
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. |
208 660.2024 |