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Maryland real estate appraiser directory

Real estate appraisers in Kent

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Company Name - Description Services Provided Phone
Faulkner Appraisal Services, LLC   Login to manage favorites
Robert A. Faulkner

Providing appraisal services to the mid and upper sections of Maryland's Eastern Shore since 1988.
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. 410 430.9347
Sage Appraisals   Login to manage favorites
Mary Reb

FHA approved, Flagstar approved.

Visitor Rating: 00000 ( 1 votes )
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. 410 673.7631
Ritchie & Associates   Login to manage favorites
Timothy J. Ritchie

I hold General certifications in both Maryland and Delaware. Although I have lately concentrated on new and existing residential appraisals I also hav...

Visitor Rating: 0000 ( 6 votes )
Residential, Commercial, FHA, EDI capable. 410 398.9072
Steele Appraising   Login to manage favorites
Steven D. Steele

Turn around time is our priority

Visitor Rating: 0000 ( 5 votes )
Residential. 443 765.7044
Foley Appraisals   Appraiser listing with fee schedule Login to manage favorites
Richard Foley

Real estate appraisals are an inportant tool to the home owner. You need the job done right. I have been appraising real estate for the past 17 years....

Visitor Rating: 00000 ( 4 votes )
Residential, FHA, EDI capable. 410 755.6201
Residential Real Estate Appraisers   Login to manage favorites
Charity Blevins-Davis

We have 1 day turntimes from time of inspection. Fees are competative. Will call to schedule inspection within the hour after acceptance of appraisal ...
Residential, EDI capable. 410 452.0898
Marden Appraisal Services   Login to manage favorites
Mark Marden

Our firm provides a 1 day turnaround from the time a property has been seen. We service some counties of in Maryland and Virignia. We also cover all o...

Visitor Rating: 0000 ( 6 votes )
Residential, Commercial, FHA. 240 418.9112
Winter & Associates   Login to manage favorites
Sandra D. Winter

Certified residential real estate appraiser with over 18 years experience. Fast turn-around. Emergency service available.

Visitor Rating: 00000 ( 2 votes )
Residential, EDI capable. 410 661.1696
Allied Appraisers   Appraiser listing with fee schedule Login to manage favorites
Mark D. Sloan

We are a residental real estate appraisal firm specializing on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, central Maryland, all counties in Delaware, and District...

Visitor Rating: 000 ( 6 votes )
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. 410 482.9250
JustDani & Associates,Inc.   Login to manage favorites
Dan Hill

Experienced in all residential products (REO, Relo, Multi, Retro, Tax appeals, 1004, etc.).
Residential, FHA, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. 443 286.1378
Green Appraisals   Login to manage favorites
Jill Green

Residential real estate appraiser with10+ years of appraisal experience serving the State of Maryland, and Northern Virginia. Same day turnaround avai...
Residential, E-R-C (Relocation Appraisals), EDI capable. 410 451.1295
Residential Real Estate Appraisals   Login to manage favorites
Christine A. Quinones

Residential, FHA. 410 431.8868

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