Knowledgebase / Information you post for your listing must match heading.
Information you post for your listing must match heading. |
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Posted: 16 Oct, 2007
by: Admin A.
Updated: 26 Oct, 2007
by: Admin A.
Information of each field must match field description/heading in order to avoid deletion of your listing.
- Do not sumit your website URL information in any other field but in the "Webppage" field when editing/updating your listing.
- Do not sumit your email address informatin in any other field but in the "email" field when editing/updating your listing.
- Do not submit your payment information in any other field but in the "Credit Cards" field when editing/updating your listing.
Do not submit your designation information in any other field but in the "Designations" field when editing/updating your listing.
Brief Description: Order online at or email me at This statement is not acceptable
Brief Description: We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Paypal payments.... This statement is not acceptable
Appraiser Name: John Doe, IFA. This entry is not acceptable
Appraiser Name: John Doe. This entry is acceptable
If you would like a direct link to your website from your listing, you must upgrade to Basic membership.
To make your designation visible and activate the email feature tool for your listing, you must upgrade to Silver membership.
To make payment information for your company visible on your listing, you must upgrade to Gold membership.